Are you looking for the ultimate guide to completing Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse - Phase 3, The Lost Day? Look no further! This guide will take you through every step of the game and show you how to find all the collectibles, solve puzzles, and defeat ghosts. So, what are you waiting for? Read on and get ready to explore the mysterious Haibara Infirmary.
Step 1: Choshiro Kirishima's Exploration of the Haibara Infirmary
As soon as you take control of Choshiro Kirishima, your first step should be to walk forward and obtain Choshiro's Notebook, the Tape Recorder, and Choshiro's Investigation Notes. Then, enter the Haibara Infirmary and read through the tutorial about the Spirit Stone Flashlight, and complete the ghost battle to earn the Camera Lens and Switch upgrade.
Next, move around the 1F Entrance Hall and make sure to stop by the Save Point, pick up the Herbal Medicine to its left, and then grab Warning: Wandering Patients from the ledge that is across the room. Remember to collect some Red Spirit Stones from a nearby couch before you approach the lift and trigger a cutscene.
Step 2: Exploring the 2F Entrance Hall
Once the cutscene concludes, make your way upstairs to the 2F Entrance Hall. There is a Blue Spirit Stone in the back-right corner of this room, so make sure to collect it before you open the door with the cracked window.
Step 3: Exploring the Doctor's Office
The players are now in the doctor's office, and they can find a medical card: Asagi Hizuki on the table to the left and Hibara's assistant's notes on the adjacent bookshelf. Remember to take a picture of the Hozuki doll in the lower left corner of the window across from the desk.
Step 4: Exploring the Old General Hospital
After you have collected the necessary items in the doctor's office, you can go to the Old Hospital. Quickly take a picture of the Long-Haired Girl who appeared and collect some red spirit stones from the bed near the door. Then take the Picture Diary from the bed next to the location of the Long-Haired Girl. Reading this diary will lead to the appearance of the Wandering Aide in the hallway, and fans should take a picture of this ghost in Fatal Frame before following him.
Step 5: Exploring the Operating Room Corridor
As you follow the ghost, don't forget to photograph the Hozuki Doll in the wheelchair, pass through the curtain, and photograph the Assistant Standing in Smoking Area on the other side. There is an ashtray near this ghost's position, so make sure to collect the Flat Iron Key and Map of Haibara Infirmary from it before you backtrack and battle a ghost.
Once you have defeated the ghost, return to the Doctor's Office and photograph the Man Standing by the Window. Then, approach the nearby sink and photograph the Man Reflected in Mirror before making your way back to the first floor.
Step 6: Exploring the 1F Entrance Hall
On this visit to the 1F Entrance Hall, make sure to photograph Assistant Heading to OR, make a quick stop by the Save Point, and answer the phone on the ledge across the room. Use the Flat Iron Key to open a door leading to the Operating Room Corridor.
Step 7: Exploring the Operating Room
In the Operating Room Corridor, collect some Blue Spirit Stones from the couch and pass them through the curtain. Don't forget to photograph the Hozuki Doll that is above the sink and collect the Article: "Mass Disappearances" from the locker.
When you enter the Operating Room, make sure to photograph the Doctors Performing the Operation and the Hozuki Doll on the ground to the left of the sink. Then, interact with the operating table to initiate a ghost battle. This battle awards the Diary with Pictures (2), and you can interact with the operating table a second time to receive Post-Mortem Report: Asagi Hizuki.
Step 8: Exploring the Reference Room
Follow the ghost into the reference room, and don't forget to take a picture of the helper in front of the table. Then start the scene with "What is Rogetsu Kagaru?" from the nearest shelf. When the scene is over, go to the table where the ghost stood and take the assistant's notebook Haibara and the small iron key. Don't forget to pick up some red spirit stones and take a picture of the Hozuki doll in the broken cabinet.
Step 9: Exploring the Exam Room and Reception
Return to the Exam Room and defeat a ghost to receive the Informer's Report. Make a save and answer the phone in the 1F Entrance Hall when you reach it. This phone call will lead to yet another ghost battle, and use the Small Iron Key to unlock the Exam Room after dispatching the foe.
In the Exam Room, make sure to photograph the Hozuki Doll on the bench by the entrance and collect Patient Interview: Takashi Aiba and Moonlight Syndrome and the Moon from the nearby desk. Then, enter Reception and photograph the Nurse Placing Wooden Card. Pick up the Wooden Card (Waning Moon) that the Fatal Frame nurse was placing and collect Herbal Medicine and Sacred Water from the shelves. Remember to photograph the Hozuki Doll on a ledge in the corner.
Step 10: Exploring the Medical File Room
Go back through the examination room and enter the room with the medical file cabinet. Be sure to take a picture of the assistant who is hiding something and enter the small room with the buzzer. Take the Haibara assistant's notes from the table and take a picture of the Hozuki doll on the stepladder. Then, interacting with the flashing device, start a battle with the ghost, which will lead you to the corridor of the principal's office.
Step 11: Exploring the Director's Office Corridor
Remember to take the Red Spirit Stone on the stretcher in the hallway before you go down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, remember to take a picture of the helper behind the fence and the Hozuki doll on the ground near the fence. Then take the wooden map (Wavy Moon) from the table behind the fence and pick up the note with the code.
Step 12: Exploring the Director's Office
Go back up the stairs and enter the principal's office. Take a picture of Director Haibara passing by and enter the room to pick up Director Haibara's notes and some blue spirit stones from the bookshelves. Don't forget to take a picture of the Hozuki doll in the box on the bottom shelf of the bookcase.
Interact with the intercom on the table and use Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse's Memo with Code to solve the puzzle. For those players who may be having difficulty with this puzzle, the solution is 276, and you can move the bookshelf in the room as you enter it.
Step 13: Exploring the B2F Laboratory
Behind the bookshelf are the B2F lab and the site of the ghost battle. Be sure to take a picture of the hostile ghost Fatal Frame when it blossoms to get an entry in the ghost list. Then collect some blue spirit stones and the Moonlight Syndrome research file from the shelves before you descend the stairs.
As you descend the stairs, remember to take a picture of the Hozuki doll in the box beneath it and take some blue spirit stones from the table. At the very bottom of the stairs, you will find a Focus lens on the ground. Take it before you go through the hallway, interact with the tunnel at the end, and complete Phase 3.
Congratulations! You have now successfully completed Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse - Phase 3, Lost Day. Enjoy your new knowledge and have fun exploring the Haibar Infirmary.